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Clean Agent Fire Suppression
Imagine your company’s valuable data, equipment and systems lost to fire. How many enterprises, businesses and customers would be negatively impacted if your equipment or network were to go down? And how quickly could you get back on line … if at all? Even one day lost to fire-related downtime can mean lost revenues, customers and profits.
You know you should protect against fire. But, basic water type fire suppression systems (sprinklers) can cause even more damage than the fire itself. Gaseous clean agent fire suppression systems have long been the answer to protecting high-end equipment, electronics and irreplaceable items from fire and the damaging effects of water.
HFC-227ea, trademarked by DuPontTM as FM-200®, is accepted and respected worldwide, including a long history of protecting some of the world’s most critical and irreplaceable assets. Fike’s clean agent system, which includes the use of HFC-227ea and FM-200, extinguishes a fire quickly by discharging in 10 seconds or less … stopping ordinary combustible, electrical, and flammable liquid fires before they can cause significant damage. When fire is extinguished this quickly, in addition to less fire damage, you’ll likely have no downtime and/ or disruption of business.
Safe for use where people are present, Fike’s clean agent system removes heat and breaks up the fire at the molecular level. And because it discharges as a gas, it leaves no residue and doesn’t require costly clean-up like water or dry chemical systems. Perhaps the most well respected and globally recognized of all clean agent fire suppressants, HFC-227ea applications range from computer and electronic rooms to museums and military vehicles.
Ecaro-25 Superior Clean Agent Fire Suppression
Basic water type fire suppression systems (sprinklers), are designed to protect people and structures. But, when it comes to protecting archives, telecommunications, high value assets, computers and other electronic equipment, water can be more damaging than the fire itself.
Gaseous chemical suppression systems (clean agent systems) have been used for more than 50 years to protect electronics and other valuables that are susceptible to the damaging effects of water-based suppression systems. Clean agent systems such as ECARO-25, HFC-227ea, and DuPont FM-200, are superior to water and dry chemicals in virtually every way:
- Clean agents are not electrically conductive, and do not damage electronics — water is a great conductor and ruins electronics!
- Clean agents are safe for people
- Clean agents leave no residue and require no clean-up
- Because they act quickly, clean agents greatly reduce the amount of smoke and soot damage caused by a fire
- Clean agents provide three-dimensional suppression, extinguishing fires where water cannot penetrate
Simply said, ECARO-25 is the best way to suppress fires and protect your high-value assets and business continuity.
Safe for use where people are present, Fike’s clean agent system removes heat and breaks up the fire at the molecular level. And because it discharges as a gas, it leaves no residue and doesn’t require costly clean-up like water or dry chemical systems. Perhaps the most well respected and globally recognized of all clean agent fire suppressants, EARO-25 applications range from computer and electronic rooms to museums and military vehicles.
All clean agents must remain in the protected space for a specified period of time in order to extinguish a fire. Thanks to the unique physical properties of the ECARO-25 agent, the hold time in a 5000 cubic foot enclosure is 27 minutes, compared to a 12 minute hold time for an HFC-227ea system and a 10 minute hold time for a FK-5-1-12 system.
ECARO-25 offers a far superior hold time, allowing more time for trained personnel response and minimal chance for any fire re-ignition.
In addition, ECARO-25 requires 10% less agent per cubic foot/meter than HFC-227ea systems and 37% less clean agent per cubic foot/meter than FK-5-1-12.

The superior properties of our unique system allow you to utilize small diameter piping over long distances, making it easier and less expensive to design your clean agent pipe network. With ECARO-25, you spend less money on the agent, piping and installation … making it the most cost-effective clean agent fire suppression system available today.
The Easiest Replacement for Halon 1301
Due to the physical properties of FE-25 and the superior performance of the Impulse Valve Technology, ECARO-25 can often work with your existing Halon pipe network. With ECARO-25, you can easily transform your old Halon 1301 fire suppression system into an effective, environmentally-sound clean agent system, with minimal system modifications.
ECARO-25 is the easiest and most cost effective replacement for existing Halon 1301 fire protection systems.
Using water as a fire suppressant in areas where electronics operate and irreplaceable, high-value assets are stored could be as devastating as fire itself. Protect them instead with an ANSUL® SAPPHIRE® clean agent system, custom-engineered to quickly suppress fires and protect sensitive equipment without causing harm to people or the environment.
The Difference is Crystal Clear
The heart of the system is revolutionary 3MTM NovecTM 1230 fire protection fluid, a clear, colorless and odorless clean agent. Stored in cylinders in its fluid form, Novec 1230 instantly vaporizes upon discharge, totally flooding protected spaces and absorbing heat better than water. In tandem with a sophisticated ANSUL AUTOPULSE® control panel, the SAPPHIRE system suppresses a fire before it can start by detecting it at invisible levels. And once the danger has passed, Novec 1230 quickly evaporates without harming any valuable assets.
SAPPHIRE suppression systems represent the most effective fire protection on the market today. These systems are especially suited to suppress fires in areas where an electrically non-conductive medium is required, where electronic systems cannot be shut down in an emergency, where cleanup of other agents poses a problem, and in normally occupied areas that demand a non-toxic agent.
Ansul Sapphire fixed nozzle, fire suppression systems use 3M™ Novec™ 1230 fire protection fluid for total flooding applications. The agent has 0.0 ozone depletion potential, an atmospheric lifetime of just five days, and a global warming potential of 1.0. Every SAPPHIRE™ system is custom engineered for the specific application using the most effective, yet efficient arrangement of storage, actuation, distribution and discharge components.
Halon 1301 Replacement
The heart of the system is revolutionary 3MTM NovecTM 1230 fire protection fluid, a clear, colorless and odorless clean agent. Stored in cylinders in its fluid form, Novec 1230 instantly vaporizes upon discharge, totally flooding protected spaces and absorbing heat better than water. In tandem with a sophisticated ANSUL AUTOPULSE® control panel, the SAPPHIRE system suppresses a fire before it can start by detecting it at invisible levels. And once the danger has passed, Novec 1230 quickly evaporates without harming any valuable assets.
SAPPHIRE suppression systems represent the most effective fire protection on the market today. These systems are especially suited to suppress fires in areas where an electrically non-conductive medium is required, where electronic systems cannot be shut down in an emergency, where cleanup of other agents poses a problem, and in normally occupied areas that demand a non-toxic agent.
Ansul Sapphire fixed nozzle, fire suppression systems use 3M™ Novec™ 1230 fire protection fluid for total flooding applications. The agent has 0.0 ozone depletion potential, an atmospheric lifetime of just five days, and a global warming potential of 1.0. Every SAPPHIRE™ system is custom engineered for the specific application using the most effective, yet efficient arrangement of storage, actuation, distribution and discharge components.
The SAPPHIRE™ system utilizes a revolutionary fire protection fluid, which looks exactly like water, but does not cause the type of damage associated with water when sapphire4putting out a fire. This system provides the ideal solution for hospitals, museums, libraries, telecommunications centers and other facilities seeking to protect critical assets that could be damaged by ordinary fire suppression systems. The system is able to detect fire at invisible levels, identifying particles of combustion before they turn into damaging flames.
Special Hazard Fire Protection Fluid
Novec 1230 fluid’s environmental profile, low toxicity characteristics and fire extinguishing performance make it a sustainable solution as a halon replacement alternative to HFCs.
Proinert / IG-55
Inert gas systems are the safe, natural way to extinguish a fire. We’ve taken the solution to the next level. Fike’s PROINERT offers all the benefits of other inert gas systems with several significant design improvements. You’ll find the PROINERT solution is safer and more economical than any other system on the market.
Most inert gas systems discharge from the containers at high pressure, then use pressure reducers further down the pipe network. This system layout requires both high-pressure and low-pressure piping to handle the extinguishant as it travels to the discharge nozzle.
PROINERT is different. Our superior cylinder valve automatically reduces the pressure of the extinguishant at discharge. We provide an ideal discharge pressure and maintain a constant flow rate throughout the system. That means you can forget about expensive high-pressure piping. With PROINERT, you can use small-diameter, low-pressure piping from the container all the way to the nozzle, lowering your system costs.
Most inert gas systems discharge from the nozzle into the protected space with a high surge flow rate, creating a potentially hazardous pressure peak. Consequently, a large ventingproinert2 area must be installed, to protect the integrity of the protected space and your employees. In addition, industry regulations state that 95% of the required inert agent must discharge within 60 seconds after activation. To achieve that discharge rate, our competitors’ inert systems must increase the already high surge flow rate, further increasing the risk of damage.
Inergen / IG-541
Proinert is better. Because of our unique, patented valve assembly, the ProInert agent enters the protected room within the required 60 seconds at a steady flow rate, preventing destructive turbulence from occurring. Therefore, only the amount of extinguishant you really need is discharged, and the necessary venting area is much smaller — you can reduce your installation costs by as much as 60% on venting hardware!